ConductingThe Pentecost Sunday Service
Think through pre-service music, the worship service Arrange 1 or 2 testimonies from members (pre-approved) Plan the sermon, Plan the altar call for those who wish to receive the Holy Ghost or get water baptism ad prayer for the sick at the end of the service. Plan a short time of fellowship and get acquainted at the conclusion of service
The Service:
A fair argument can be made that what happens in the weeks before the service is more important than the service itself concerning preparing members and visitors to arrive with expectation and faith. However, the organization surrounding the service is extremely important, i.e., greeters beside the doors with welcoming literature, ushers or hostesses in the aisles to help direct people to open seating, etc.…
The service should be upbeat and focused on one single objective—to help people repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost. We cannot see people saved and also disciple them all in the same service. The first works must preclude the work of perfecting the saints.
The Platform should be decorated with nice plants, an attractive backdrop, and pleasing lighting.
Worship Leaders should lead worship without preaching. Leave that for the guest evangelist. It is important not to get ahead (pre-empt) the order of the service. While the faith will be high, each part of the service is important especially the preaching as this will bring repentance into the hearts of the hearers, preparing them to receive the Holy Ghost.
It is usually better for crusade services to forego recognizing special guests unless, of course, the governor shows up or an esteemed elder of the United Pentecostal Church International is present.
Congregational style worship is utilized to help involve the guests in the service. It may be advisable to ad in a few hymns as these are easily recognizable by people of all faiths and backgrounds.
It is highly recommended that the guests sit beside a member, preferably the member that invited them.
The Speaker should preach a message of faith and give a direct but quick appeal for those who wish to receive the Holy Ghost to come forward. The length of the sermon should be short as to allow ample time forpeople to pray in the altar. Approximately 15-20 minutes is a good suggestion.
Altar Workers should also come at this time and follow the directions given by the Evangelist Ministry Director.