Birthing The Pastors Vision
Take time alone with God in prayer, Bible devotion, and meditation. Allow God to speak something into our spirit about your church and the potential of the Pentecost Sunday Outreach.
Read Acts Chapters 1-3 to build up your faith.
See the Big Picture
Pentecost Sunday is May 20, 2018. To create an effective thrust from Easter through Pentecost, work should begin on Monday, February 12, and steadily build momentum each week until Pentecost. Study this Calendar as you prayerfully consider what will make Pentecost Sunday successful in your city. As you look through the suggestions, here are some actions to consider:
Take Action
Establish a Budget: How much are you planning to spend on promoting this event in your city? Free “source” files are available on this website for creating customized advertising materials. Will you print these with your equipment or hire a local printer? Pentecost Sunday tracts and other materials are available for purchase. You may be considering radio, newspaper, banners, an evangelist, and other budget expenses. A special offering for Pentecost Sunday could be taken during the Launch Service to cover the cost of the meeting.
Select a Speaker: As a pastor, you may wish to speak at the meeting. Otherwise, an outside speaker must be secured to allow planning to continue.
Team Meetings: Build a Pentecost Sunday Planning Team to implement your vision and the resources available in this guide & on this website. You may wish to appoint a Pentecost Sunday Coordinator to lead the entire program. You will want to include your Head Usher and key music personnel along with a Promotions Director. Other tasks may be delegated to additional team members if you see it fit (i.e., Launch Service Coordinator, Altar Workers Director, Greeters Coordinator, Follow-up Director, Outreach Director, Prayer Coordinator, Home Bible Study Director, and so on). Conduct the meeting and delegate the various duties. A follow-up meeting should be held to ensure that everyone is moving along properly.
Launch Service: Follow the plans provided to ignite the heart of the church with a passion for the lost. Put in their hands the tools they need to encourage friends to be in service with them. All the team members should have their material prepared, and the church should be engaged in the implementation of the plans.
Implementation: Prayer is underway, banners go up, ads hit the papers, fliers are in store windows, door hangers are out, radio spots are aired, and social media has been blanketed! All the coordinators are following the Pentecost Sunday calendar along with the church.
Pentecost Sunday: All the Team Members are fully prepared. The pastor has determined the
service schedule and all the resources and workers help make this an extremely effective soul winning event.